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Jesus is Coming - O.T. Names for Jesus
(Week 2)

1. Getting the class started
Have the students pick-up a worksheet on the way into class. If they think they know the     answers to the riddles have them raise their hands and whisper the answer in your ear. This is a great way to engage the students as soon as they enter the room.

Answers to Riddles
Brainercise: Age
Who Am I:  Aquilla
Week 2 Class Starter Worksheet
Class Newsletter
2. Lesson Guide
The lesson guide provides an outline of the topics to be covered. The numbers on the lesson guide correspond to the presentation, which is available in either a PDF format or PowerPoint.

                        Guide Week 2
Lesson Guide
3. Lesson Presentation
The presentation file includes slides that cover the lesson material. The presentation file is available in both PDF or PowerPoint, if a classroom projection system is available. Slides from the PDF version can be printed out as a visual aid.

                        Presentation Week 2
Lesson Presentation (PDF)

Download PowerPoint
4. End of Class Worksheet
Use an end of class worksheet to keep your students engaged for the entire class period. Encourage your students to work together or in groups to help build relationships.

Answers for the worksheet can be found in the Lesson Presentation.

End of Class Activity Sheet Week 2
Names of Jesus

Additional Lesson Resources
Video - Word Became Flesh
Scripture Reference꞉ John 1꞉1-18
John talks about the coming of Jesus, who will be the true Light of the world.

Video Word
                        Became Flesh
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